

Let's Encrypt my servers with acme tiny

Let’s Encrypt is a project that offer free domain validated SSL/TLS certificates. The organisations and companies behind it includes EFF, Mozilla, Akamai and Cisco as well as many other. EFF has long been working for HTTPS Everywhere and Let’s Encrypt is a big step in this direction.

Running Drupal on Debian 8 with Apache 2.4, event MPM and PHP-FPM (via socks and proxy)

Updated version of this article: Running Drupal on Debian 9 with Apache 2.4, HTTP/2, event MPM and PHP-FPM (via socks and proxy) I’m building a new Ansible playbook for setting up web servers with Debian 8. I have always used mod_php before and it has been very stable but have some well known drawbacks.

Två veckor av skräppost och den mesta är Svensk

På två veckor har det ansamlats 26 stycken skräppost i min skräppostmapp. Av dessa är 17 stycken på svenska, de flesta skickade från Sverige av svenska företag! I Sverige är det obegripligt nog lagligt för företag att spamma andra företag.

ReadySIM prepaid short-term plans in the USA works well with unlocked iPhone

Ready SIM is a relative new mobile service in the USA that I first read about in this Ars Technica article Ready SIM offers cheap, short-term, and disposable mobile service. When I needed a mobile solution for a trip to the USA recently I luckily remembered that article.

MailMate - The email client for the rest of us

I have now been using MailMate for about 10 month and I’m more than pleased with it. Everything good I wrote about in MailMate replaces GyazMail after four years is still true. The latest 64 bit beta build is rock solid and consumes less than 200 MB of RAM with 60000+ messages.

MailMate replaces GyazMail after four years

Four years ago I replaced Eudora with GyazMail and wrote about it in GyazMail replaces Eudora after 15 years and Two weeks with GyazMail. Now GyazMail has been replaced with MailMate. After moving all my locally stored mail to a local IMAP server switching mail client got a lot easier.

Running dovecot as a local only IMAP server on OS X

I prefer to store (archive) my mail locally. After moving my mail between mail clients a couple of time to many I decided to set up a local IMAP server. This will give me a mail client independent local storage that is in a standard format and future proof.

Branch branch branch and then rebase a Git workflow

Slides from my presentation Branch branch branch then rebase - a git workflow at DrupalCamp Stockholm, March 8 2013. Branch branch branch and then rebase a Git workflow (35.47 MB)

Drupalsnack poddradioprogram

Drupalsnack är ett poddradioprogram om Drupal och allt däromkring. Av Drupalfolk för Drupalfolk på svenska. Vi har precis lagt ut vårt första avsnitt, kom och lyssna på http://drupalsnack.se/. Vi pratar om våra favoritmoduler och introducerar oss själva och Drupalsnack poddradioprogram förstås.