

Setup guest and IOT VLAN with UniFi and a EdgeRouter

My goal is to have separate wireless networks for guest and IOT devices, each on there own VLAN. Setting up VLAN with an EdgeRouter, UniFi switch and UniFI access points takes a few extra steps. In this post I describe how I got it working.

Content security policy headers when using Matomo or Google analytics

I recently added a Content Security Policy header to my web servers. I found a number of issues around getting analytics and embedded videos and maps working. Other sites will have more issues but I suspects these are among the most common.

Setting up a server firewall with nftables that support WireGuard VPN

With Debian 10 (buster) the default firewall is nftables so it’s time to convert my iptables rules. Since Debian stable is never first with anything I was surprised to see how relative few articles and blogs there are about nftables compered to iptables.

Switching from jQuery to Umbrella JS

In an attempt to make this site load even faster I have switched from jQuery to Umbrella JS. Umbrella is really tiny, 2.5kB when gzipped, and strongly influenced by jQuery so the switch is easy for simple scripts. Good information in Porting from jQuery.

Using Hugo pipes to process sass and cache-bust css and js files

Hugo Pipes was added in version 0.46 and give Hugo the possibility to process sass and postcss files as well as fingerprint, minify and concat asset files. My own Zen theme for Hugo have used Gulp to process sass and js but now I have updated it to make use of pipes.

Using Ansible to setup a WireGuard VPN server on Debian

I have been watching the WireGuard project with interest for a couple of years. I like how WireGuard is constructed. A small code base that focus on the core functionality. The use of standard Linux networking tools and simple public/private keys.

Cover my house with UniFi Wi-Fi

Apples AirPort have given my household good and stable Wi-Fi for many years. They cost a bit more but just work and are easy to set up, a very Apple product. Apple discontinued its AirPort products this year, and last updated them in 2013.

Go multilingual with Hugo

I have made my small company site multilingual, in Swedish and in English. It’s a static site built with Hugo and my own Zen theme for Hugo. Hugo has good multilingual support. What took the most time was building a language selector that works both when content is translated and when it is not.

Run your own mail server with Postfix and Dovecot

Ansible role with commentary for setting up your own mail server with Postfix and Dovecot. This could be considered a part two of Mail relay, MX backup and spam filtering with Postfix. Many postfix configurations are identical between these setups.

Mail relay, MX backup and spam filtering with Postfix

If you run your own mail server it is a good idea to have a MX backup in place. When your mail server goes down or you need to upgrade it, the MX backup will step in and store all mail until the mail server is back up.